Maribel Alvarez
Associate Research Social Scientist and Associate Research Professor
The Southwest Center
Rosi Andrade
Associate Research Professor Southwest Institute for Research on Women
Diane Austin
Director, School of Anthropology
Professor, School of Anthropology
Research Anthropologist (BARA)
Damián Baca
Associate Professor, Department of Mexican American Studies
Jeffrey Banister
Director, Southwest Center
Associate Research Social Scientist, Editor, and Research Professor
William Beezley
Professor, History Department
Jessica Braithwaite
Associate Professor, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona
Michael Brescia
Curator of Ethnohistory (Continuing), Arizona State Museum
Affiliated Professor, History, Latin American Studies, and James E. Rogers College of Law
Research Associate, Southwest Center
Michael Burgoyne
Assistant Professor of Practice, International Security Studies M.A Program, School of Government and Public Policy
Megan Carney
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Director, Center for Regional Food Studies
Guillermo Castillo
Associate Researcher, Geography Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Benedict Colombi
Associate Professor, American Indian Studies
Director, Faculty- Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs
Luis E. Coronado Guel
Director, SBS Mexico Initiatives
Adjunct Professor, Department of History
Adjunct Professor, Mexican American Studies Department
Affiliate Faculty, Binational Migration Institute
Research Associate, Southwest Center
Affiliate, Public History Collaborative
Celestino Fernandez
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Sociology
Alethia Fernández de la Reguera
Associate Researcher, Research Center for Gender Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Patrisia Gonzales
Associate Professor, Mexican American Studies
Tribal Affiliation Kickapoo Tribe
Linda Green
Professor, Anthropology
James Greenberg
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Research Anthropologist Emeritus (BARA)
Vance Holliday
Retired Professor, Anthropology
Retired Professor, Geosciences
María Elena Jarquín Sánchez
Researcher, Feminist Research Program, UNAM Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities
John Paul Jones III
Dean, International Education, Arizona International Professor of Geography
Diana Liverman
Director, School of Geography & Development
Regents Professor Emerita, School of Geography & Development
Arizona Initiative for Resilience & International Development
Fernando Lozano Ascencio
Principal Investigator, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research, UNAM
Daniel E. Martínez
Associate Professor, Distinguished Scholar Sociology & Mexican American Studies Department
Co-Director, Binational Migration Institute
Human Rights Cluster Coordinator, UA-UNAM Binational Reserach Consortium on Migration, Human Rights, and Human Security
Barbara Mills
Regents' Professor, Anthropology
Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum
Professor, American Indian Studies
Alcofribas Nasier
Abstractor of the Quintessence
Associate Professor
Anna O'Leary
Associate Professor & Head, Mexican American Studies
Co-Director, Binational Migration Institute
Migration Cluster Coordinator, UA-UNAM Binational Reserach Consortium on Migration, Human Rights, and Human Security
Elizabeth Oglesby
Associate Professor, Latin American Studies
Associate Professor, School of Geography & Development
Javier Osorio
Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy
Human Security Cluster Coordinator, UA-UNAM Binational Reserach Consortium on Migration, Human Rights, and Human Security
Ana Melisa Pardo
Associate Researcher, Institute of Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Francisco Javier Rangel Martinez
Research Professor, Program on Water and Society at El Colegio de San Luis A.C.
Visiting Scholar ( Octorber-November 2019)
Robin Reineke
Assistant Research Social Scientist, Southwest Center
Jeannine Relly
Professor, Journalism
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Inclusion
Raquel Robio-Goldsmith
Lecturer Emeritus, Mexican American Studies
Founding Director, Binational Migration Institute
Roberto "Cintli" Rodríguez
Associate Professor, Mexican American Studies
In Memoriam
Dereka Rushbrook
Associate Professor, School of Geography and Development
Christopher Scott
Former Director, Udall Center-Studies in Public Policy
Adjunct Professor, Geography & Development
William Simmons
Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
Director, Human Rights Practice Graduate Program
Gemma Smith
Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy
Assistant Research Professor, Udall Center for Studies of Public Policy
she, her, hers
Sally Stevens
Research Professor, Gender and Women Studies
University Distinguished Professor, Outreach
Michelle Téllez
Associate Professor& Director of Graduate Studies, Mexican American Studies
Elizabeth Tellman
Joint Assistant Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development, and Environment (home department)
Elizabeth (Libby) Valdez
Research Affiliate, Southwest Institute for Research on Women
Marcela Vásquez-León
Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Juan Vega Gómez
Researcher in the Philosophy and Legal Theory, UNAM Legal Research Institute
Natasha Warner
Head, Linguistics
Professor, Linguistics
Director of the Douglass Phonetics Lab
James Watson
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Associate Director, Arizona State Museum
Scott Whiteford
Founding Director Emeritus, SBS Mexico Initiatives
Margaret Wilder
Associate Professor, School of Geography & Development
Associate Professor, Latin American Studies
Associate Professor, Udall Center
David Yetman
Research Social Scientist, Southwest Center
University Distinguished Outreach Prfoessor