Oscar Martinez

Research Areas
Oscar J. Martínez is Regents’ Emeritus Professor of History at the University of
Arizona, and an internationally remowed specialist on Border Studies. He is a founder and former president of the Association of Borderlands Studies (ABS) and the founder of the Journal of Borderlands Studies (JBS). He has served on the Board of the JBS and
on sundry committees of the association. In 2013 he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ABS. Martinez has authored and edited several books, articles and book chapters on borderlands topics that include “Border Boom Town: Ciudad Juárez since 1848” (1978), “Fragments of the Mexican Revolution” (1983), “Across Boundaries: Transborder Interaction in Comparative
Perspective” (1986), “Troublesome Border” (1988 and 2006), “Border People: Life and Society in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” (1994), and “Mexican Origin People in the United States” (2001). He is currently working on two book manuscripts, “Mexico’s Uphill Journey: The Roots of Uneven
Dependence and Inequality”, and “Rich Lands, Poor Lands: Why Some Nations Are Rich and Others