On April 18, 2018, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the University of Arizona, signed an agreement to formally establish the Binational Research Consortium on Migration, Human Security, and Human Rights.
About the Consortium

The consortium seeks to provide with an infrastructure for binational cooperation and collaboration between the Coordination of Humanities (UNAM) and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (UA) that will strengthen research in migration, human rights, and human security. By doing this, both institutions recognize the importance of the bilateral exchange of academic staff, researchers, technical specialists, and students associated with CH-UNAM and SBS.
Among the central challenges of the 21st century is the need to strengthen human rights and security globally. Due to the critical threats to human rights and human security inherent in the migration process between Mexico and the United States, it is necessary to conduct social science research and propose joint solutions, including new or amended policies, to ensure protection on human rights and human security. The research carried out thus far by researchers in both countries has greatly increased scientific knowledge around issues of migration, human rights, and human security; however, collaboration in research between the two participating institutions could strengthen dialogue between their respective countries and enhance the search for common solutions from a shared, interdisciplinary, and multidimensional perspective.
UNAM Research in Humanities Coordinating Office
- Establishing mechanisms and financing to strengthen joint research between UNAM and the UA on issues of migration, human rights, and human security between the United States and Mexico, inclusive of but not limited to their shared border region.
- Promoting the mobility between both the universities of academic staff and students for academic or research stays as part of the commitment mentioned above.
- Promoting the establishment of collaborations between academic degree programs to allow undergraduate and graduate study opportunities for students at both institutions in areas related to issues the consortium addresses.
- Promoting a permanent exchange of bibliographic resources and other teaching and research materials, as well as the co-publication of research products carried out by scholars from both countries.
University of Arizona Consortium Members
University of Arizona Executive Director
University of Arizona Cluster Coordinators
Anna Ochoa-O'Leary Associate Professor & Head, Mexican American Studies (also Latin American Studies; Gender & Women Studies)
Human Security
Javier Osorio Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy
Human Rights
Daniel E. Martínez, Associate Professor, School of Sociology
University of Arizona Members
Rosi Andrade Research Professor, Southwest Institute of Research on Women
Jeffery Bannister Assistant Research Professor, Southwest Center and School of Geography and Development
Geoff Boyce School of Geography and Development
Benedict Colombi Associate Professor, American Indian Studies
Megan Carney Assistant Professor, School of Anthropology
Luis Coronado Guel Director, SBS Mexico Initiatives, Adjunct Professor, Department of History, Affiliated Faculty of Mexican American Studies, the Binational Migration Institute, and the Southwest Center
Colin Deeds Assistant Director, Latin American Studies
Ted Downing Former Research Professor of Social Development at the University of Arizona
Javier Duran Professor, Spanish and Border Studies; Director of Confluence Center
Celeste Gonzales De Bustamante Associate Professor, Journalism and Latin American Studies
James Hopkins Associate Clinical Professor, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program; Affiliated Professor of American Indian Studies & Latin American Studies
Seanna Howard Director, International Human Rights Advocacy Workshop & Professor of Practice; Rogers College of Law Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program
Jennifer Jenkins Associate Professor of Literature and Film, Department of English, affiliate of Latin American Studies
Josephine Korchmaros Director, Southwest Institute for Research on Women
Mauricio Magana Assistant Professor, Mexican American Studies
Dan Martinez Assistant Professor, Sociology
Robin Reineke Assistant Research Social Scientist, Southwest Center
Jeannine Reilly Assistant Professor, Journalism, Latin American Studies, School of Government and Public Policy
Jessica Retis, Professor, School of Journalism
Iliana Reyes Spanish and Portuguese Department
Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith Lecturer, Mexican-American Studies, Latin American Studies; Women’s Studies
William Simmons Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies and Honors Interdisciplinary Faculty
Michelle Tellez Assistant Professor, Mexican American Studies
Marcela Vasquez-Leon Associate Professor, School of Anthropology an Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, also Associate Professor, Latin American Studies
Margaret Wilder Associate Professor, School of Geography and Development, and Latin American Studies. Also, Associate Research Professor, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona
Jill Williams Assistant Research Social Scientist & Director of the Women in Science and Engineering Program, Southwest Institute for Research on Women
Scott Whiteford Emeritus Professor, Latin American Studies & SBS Mexico Initiatives Director
UNAM Consortium Members
UNAM Executive Director
UNAM Cluster Coordinators
Dra. Alethia Fernández de la Reguera (IIJ) Research Professor at the Institute for Legal Research of UNAM
Human Security
Dr. Roberto Zepeda Martínez Research Professor at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN)
Human Rights
Dr. Guillermo Castillo (IGeografía) Associate Researcher at the Geography Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
UNAM Members
Dr. Juan Carlos Barron Pastor, Research Professor at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN)
Dr. Fernando Lozano Ascencio (CRIM) Principal Investigator, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research, UNAM
Dr. Maria Isabel Martinez Ramirez (IIH), Professor at the Institute of Historical Research
Dr. Alejandro Mercado Celis, Research Professor at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN)
Dr. Laura Vazquez Maggio, Associate Professor, Economics (FE)
Dr. Armando Sanchez Vargas, Professor & Director, Economics (IIE)
Dr. Carolyn Kristen O´Meara, Research Professor at the Institute for Research on Philology (IIF)
Dra. Ana Melisa Pardo (I.Geografía) Associate Researcher, Institute of Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Dra. Luciana Gandini (IIJ) Researcher, Legal Research Institute, UNAM, in the area of Sociology of Law
Dra. Maria Marcela Terrazas (IIH), Professor at the Institute of Historical Research
Dra. Camelia Tigau (CISAN), Research Professor at the Center for Research on North America
Dr. Juan Vega Gómez (IIJ) Researcher in the Philosophy and Legal Theory Area, UNAM Legal Research Institute
Dr. Manuel Suarez Lastra, Research Professor at the Institute of Geography, UNAM