Francisco Javier Rangel Martinez

Research Professor, Program on Water and Society at El Colegio de San Luis A.C.
Visiting Scholar ( Octorber-November 2019)
Dr. Francisco J. Rangel
Research Areas
Water and Society

Doctor in Social Sciences by CIESAS-Occidente. National Research System Level 1. Research Interest:

Studies of the territory and is interested, especially, in processes of urban spatial degradation. His current research project deals with the challenges that the processes of Consumption, Waste Generation and Spatial Conflict represent for the Megacities of the American Continent. Selected Publications:

"Toxic Waste Dumping, Water Contamination, and People's Disablement in Semi-arid Rural Mexico. Local Water Pond Issues for the Fair Sitting of a Landfill, "WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2011. ISSN 1743-3541 (On-line)