Luciana Gandini

Luciana Gandini

Researcher, Legal Research Institute, UNAM

Luciana Gandini holds a Ph.D. in Social Science with a specialization in sociology (COLMEX), and currently works as a Full-Time Researcher at the Legal Research Institute, UNAM, in the area of Sociology of Law and is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI, CONACyT). She is Coordinator of the University Seminar on Studies on Internal Displacement, Migration, Exile and Repatriation (SUDIMER) of the UNAM, link of the Institutional Research "Rights, Migrations and Mobilities" (IIJ-UNAM), Technical Manager of the Migrāre Thematic Network "Migrations and Mobility" (CONACyT) during 2017 and Co-coordinator of the Scientific Group on Labor Markets (Mexican Society of Demography). In recent years, her research has been related to the following topics: International migration, development and human rights; Return migration; Voluntary and involuntary migration, forced migration; Labor markets and life course; Qualitative and quantitative social research methods.