Alberto Abad Suarez
Alberto Abad Suárez is a Full-time Professor and Coordinator of the Sociology of Law Department at the Institute for Legal Research of UNAM in Mexico City. He is an affiliate scholar to the Center of the US and Mexican Law of the Houston Law Center. He was a Visiting Scholar at the International Institute of Sociology of Law in Oñati, Basque Country, Spain in 2014; the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley in 2008-2009; and a visiting researcher at the Max Planck-Institut for Comparative and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany in 2008. He is the author of The Supreme Court Adjudication of Human Rights (1995-2010) [Porrúa, 2014] and co-author of The National Survey of Justice [UNAM 2015] and The Third National Survey on Constitutional Culture [UNAM, 2017]. He is a member of the Law and Society Association, the Latin American Studies Association, and the American Society of International Law. He speaks Spanish, English, and Portuguese. His research interests focus on Sociology of Law, Judicial Behavior, and Human Rights. Among his publications are: “Entre un buen arreglo y un mal pleito Encuesta Nacional de Justicia (in collabortion with con Héctor Fix-Fierro y Edgar Corzo), México, UNAM, 2015; “La protección de los derechos humanos en la Novena Época de la Suprema Corte, México”, Porrúa, 2014; “Las posibilidades de la jurisdicción constitucional de la SCJN para la protección de los derechos de las mujeres en México”, SCJN, 2014; “The Mexican Supreme Court as a protector of human rights” en Mexican Law Review.