Lecure hosted by the UA-UNAM Binational Reserach Consortium on Migration, Human Rights, and Human Security

Conferencia "La invisibilización de la muerte de migrantes en la frontera Canadá-EE.UU." presentada en el marco del seminario trinacional Actores Emergentes en Seguridad Humana.
We invite you to the conference "The invisibilization of the death of migrants on the Canada-US border", within the framework of the trinational seminar Emerging Actors in Human Security. ⭐️Participating: Simon Granovsky-Larsen and Caroline Cordeiro Viana e Silva University of Regina; and Dan Martínez The University of Arizona. Moderated by Oliver Santín CISAN UNAM ⭐️Commentators and academic coordinators: Juan Carlos Barrón and Roberto Zepeda #CISAN / Luis E. Coronado Guel, SBS Mexico Initiatives
📅⏰️Thursday, April 18, 10:00 am Tucson Time (11:00 am CDMX time)
In person: 📍"Mónica Verea" conference room, 7th floor of Humanities Tower II, C.U.
🌐Live Transmission: https://www.youtube.com/cisanunamweb