INEU Dialogues: Legal Disputes About Immigration in the U.S.A.
Interview to Luis Coronado Guel by Neusa P. Bojikiam from INEE-Brasil

Tatiana Carlotti
By Tatiana Carlotti [INEU Dialogues]
In this fifth-fair Dialogues, Neusa Maria Pereira Bojikian (Unicamp/INCT-INEU) continues to talk about immigration in the United States with Professor Luis Edgardo Coronado Guel, of the Department of Mexican-American Studies of the University of Arizona, United States. Coronado, who is also director of SBS Mexico Initiatives, addresses the disputes between federal and state jurisdictions in the United States, commenting on the judicial battle between the White House and the recent legislation passed by Texas, which allowed the detention and expulsion of foreigners who crossed border without authorization.
Analyzing the strong judicialization process on this question, Coronado highlights the conservative character of the Supreme Court of the country, since Donald Trump, with tendencies to favor the Republicans. He talks about how some politicians endorse, in these times of fake news, how both parties are using political discourse to influence public opinion, including unfounded rhetoric about immigration that mobilizes the media, racism, and nationalist bias in North American voters.
Read the original piece in Portuguese and listen to the interview in Spanish here.
INEU Dialogues is an interview program with specialists in the United States produced by INCT-INEU, a network that includes more than 100 researchers from various universities in the country. The programs are always broadcast in the villas, at 7 p.m.
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