In his newsnote at El Heraldo de Mexico Newspaper, Gerado Rodriguez Sanchez (UDLAP) alludes critical topics to be discussed in Roundtable on Security and Defense of Mexico organized by UArizona ISS
Roundtable on Security and Defense of Mexico organized by the University of Arizona, CASEDE and UDLAP, link:

Gobernanza global
UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School
UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School
Perspectives on Security and Justice in 2024 The future of the institutions in this field, throughout the country, will be debated in the next elections.
The future of the security and justice institutions will be debated in the next elections, but it will not be definitive for the triumph of the new president of Mexico.
Strategic agenda: Roundtable on Security and Defense of Mexico organized by the University of Arizona, CASEDE and UDLAP, link: BY: GERARDO RODRÍGUEZ GERARDO_RSL@YAHOO.COM @GERODRIGUEZSL
Read the full article in Spanish here: