MAS Outreach Pan Dulce Event

Mexican American Studies Department Invites!

MAS Outreach Pan Dulce Event

MAS Outreach Pan Dulce Event, Feb. 28th 10:30am

Mexican American Studies Department


10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Feb. 28, 2024
We have a mid-term Pan Dulce event planned for Wednesday, Feb 28th from 10:30am - 12:30pm
Please join us for the event and help us in advertising this event to your classes and networks!
Event flyer is attached and below I've copied and pasted the short blurb and image I will begin to send out to listservs, etc. Feel free to use the blurb if sharing with class over email. The link to RSVP on the google form is embedded in the flyer and the blurb, but here it is again just in case -
Hope to see folks there!


Erika Sylvia Nacim, M.P.H.
Ph.D. Candidate | Mexican American Studies
Ed.S. Student | Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies 
University of Arizona
Pronouns: she, her, hers